CEI Becomes a Pioneer in the Children’s Well-being Initiative
Careful the Things You Say
Teaching Mindfulness through Feminism and Intersectionality
Building Compassion through Games and Strategies
Using 21st Century Practices: Results of CEI’s Survey of Principals and Other Leaders
Healing Self, Healing our Nation
Healing Our Nation
Fish or Fowl?
Ways to Strengthen Learning
Webinar on CEI Heart Centered 21st Century Rubric
The Practice of Heart Beaming – Finding Quiet Moments
Engineer’s Week Feb. 21-27
Heart Factoid
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King – Forging Nonviolent Beliefs
CEI Now Expanding Offerings – Yoga and Meditation
CEI’s Final Technology Guidelines
ESSA & NCLB – Some Comparisons
Mid-Year Adjustments – Please Proceed
CEI Offers Early Childhood STEM/STEAM Workshops