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NAESP Academic Rigor Webinar Thurs. Feb. 6

By Kathleen Sciarappa, Ph.D.  CEI  and NAESP Consultant.  Academic Rigor and the Road to ‘Exemplary.’ Thursday, February 6, 2014 . Click to Register Time: 4  p.m. ‘“ 5 p.m. (Eastern). No Charge.

Webinar Description. The NAESP Rigor seminar was developed with an eye toward providing information about rigor in the classroom, especially in light of the Common Core. We’ll discuss four aspects of rigor: 1) metacognition; 2) higher level thinking; 3) deep understanding; 4) solving problems then address specific teacher behaviors and student responses in order to help principals and teachers engage in discussions about integrating greater rigor into instruction. Academic rigor is more than a set of activities; it is focused on the belief that the primary role of schooling is to develop self-directed individuals who are self-reflective, self-modifying and self-managing. It entails teaching beyond knowledge and skills to a deeper understanding of concepts, generalizations and principles that sit at the heart of disciplines and are transferable within and across subjects. Participants will consider what changes can be instituted for students to achieve more in the classroom.

Note: CEI and NAESP are collaborating in offering workshops, technical assistance, and  research on academic rigor and high academic standards.  CEI is announcing this webinar as a service to NAESP. Following the webinar, it will be archived at the NAESP website.

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