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CEI “Guidelines for 21st Century Technology Use” Competition

By Christine Mason

RESPOND BY DECEMBER 18, 5 PM EST to Win $100 gift card.

Runners up:  2nd Place: $50 gift card; 3rd place: $25 gift card.

Early in 2014 we introduced CEI ‘s 21st Century Technology Use  in Schools: Guidelines for Principals

Who can enter:  Principals, teachers, school technology specialists, CEI Subscribers.  If your revisions are accepted, you will be acknowledged in the final guidelines.

Steps and Criteria to win:

1. Review the above links to examine the current guidelines and directions.

2. If you have used the technology guidelines in your school, provide a one paragraph explanation of how they were used and the results/impact/changes because of the use.

3. Consider schools/classrooms of today and the next 5 years.  What is missing from the guidelines?

4.  Consider HOW technology is used in a student-centered learning environment,STEM, jobs of the future, and HOW youth most value the technologies they use– what would you change?

5. Consider the issues schools have with technology use and improvements that are needed — what would you change?

6. Examine and revise the format, style or look.  What might you delete, add, or modify? Is there a way to simplify or enhance the guidelines, directions, or “look”? Is there a way to make the guidelines more user friendly?

After reviewing the above steps and criteria, submit a revised version of the guidelines accompanied by a brief (1-2 page) explanation.  Submit to with directions and guidelines as word and PDF versions.

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