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S-CCATE: Online technology designed to enhance social emotional learning

View Our Recent Press Release | Testimonials: What S-CCATE users are saying about the tool.

School Compassionate Culture Analytical Tool for Educators (S-CCATE)

S-CCATE (School Compassionate Culture Analytical Tool for Educators) is a cutting edge, social emotional learning tool that helps educators vision, plan, and monitor progress toward the implementation of compassionate, trauma-informed practices in classrooms. Our brief, validated assessment, to be completed by teachers and other school personnel, is uniquely designed to help teams of educators and whole school communities address trauma, alleviate stress, and uplift students and staff. Data from S-CCATE can be used to show progress in becoming a trauma-informed school and improvements in school culture and social emotional learning.


The S-CCATE, and its related supplementary assessment, are packaged solutions that use current research on the factors that improve well-being, executive functioning, and neuroplasticity among children and youth—all of which help students gain resiliency, alleviate trauma, and overcome barriers to learning and decision making. The approach, developed by CEI over a six year period with school leaders, is an outgrowth of CEI’s signature approach to social emotional learning and mindfulness, Heart Centered Learning®. It focuses on five Cs—consciousness (awareness), compassion, confidence, courage, and community—to equip educators to develop compassionate schools where students acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, feel and show empathy for others, resolve conflicts nonviolently, think creatively, and overcome obstacles to succeed in the classroom and in life.

S-CCATE also:


  • Helps to interpret results of social emotional learning, identify strengths and needs, and plan professional development and interventions.

  • Reports progress on “non-academic” factors aligned with ESSA (Every Student Succeed Act).

  • Fosters alliance to address the needs of children and youth who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing significant trauma

  • Accelerates adoption and implementation of mental health evidence-based practices.

  • Provides publicly available, free training and technical assistance to elementary and secondary teachers, principals, school psychologists, and other school staff/whole school community.


How to Use S-CCATE Results. S-CCATE and the S-CCATE Supplement are designed to be used two to three times during the academic year. With both instruments, teachers, administrators, school psychologists, social workers, teacher aides, and other staff log on to a secure platform and answer questions about themselves, their students, and their school leadership according to their individual perceptions. The approach is designed to strengthen, value, and increase social-emotional competence, accelerate learning, and develop a sense of well-being for students, teachers, and the wider school community.

The Technology Behind S-CCATE. The technology platform is powered by TeachLink—a leading software and engineering design partnership that develops innovative solutions for schools and educators.


Get Started with S-CCATE. Visit our online portal.


S-CCATE is available to school districts and individual schools nationwide at an annual subscription rate. The packaged solutions begin with administration of S-CCATE, followed by guided professional development. All data are confidential, reported in the aggregate, and stored on a robust, secure online platform. Schools/districts receive aggregated results and basic recommendations; they also have access to comparison results from our national data set and within the same school district. Value-added options, including S-CCATE Action Guides with specific customized recommendations for schools and districts, publications on mindfulness practices, and onsite training and technical support, can be purchased to accompany subscription packages.


S-CCATE is a short, easy to use, school culture assessment. It is a 40-question online survey completed by school staff, and takes approximately 12-15 minutes to complete. Schools and districts interested in the S-CCATE assessment can register at or contact for more information.

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