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Our Publications:


To complement CEI’s upcoming book Mindfulness Practices: Cultivating Heart Centered Communities Where Students Focus and Flourish written by Christine Mason, Michele Rivers Murphy and Yvette Jackson, Drs. Mason and Rivers Murphy are offering a series of workshops on mindfulness or “being fully present in the moment.” Significant research is available to show that mindfulness and mindfulness practices such as deep breathing, yoga, and meditation, can reduce stress and enhance brain functioning. Through our workshops, teachers can also learn strategies for mindful instruction and principals can learn about being mindful leaders.


CEI Offers 8 seminars in the mindfulness area:


  • Mindfulness in Schools: An Introductory Overview (includes information on research findings, best practices, and implications for children’s well being and academic achievement)

  • Poverty, Drug Abuse, Urban Crime ‘“ Trauma and Mindfulness

  • Understanding Toxic Stress and Trauma ‘“ neuroscience and ways to alleviate short and long-term effects

  • Mindfulness and Cultural Competence

  • Mindfulness and Reducing Stress for Teachers and Principals

  • Healing in the Classroom

  • Benefits of Deep Breathing and Movement, including Yoga and Heart Beaming

  • Meditations for Classrooms

  • Mindfulness Practices for Teachers and Principals

  • Mindfulness and Classroom Instruction

  • Neuroscience, Executive Functioning, and Enhancing Academic Achievement

  • Mindful Leadership


Key Points


  • Children are experiencing high levels of trauma. This can be alleviated by mindfulness, which enhances children’s sense of well-being and also can accelerate academic achievement.

  • Mindfulness practices can also reduce teacher stress and burnout

  • Learn about the impact of trauma and mindfulness on the brain, experience mindfulness exercises, and strengthen executive functioning.




Workshops range from 1-6 hours and can be adapted for your unique needs.




Christine Mason, Michele Rivers Murphy





Christine Y. Mason, Ph.D., is Founder and Executive Director of the of Center for Educational Improvement. She is a nationally recognized expert in the area of educational reform, principal leadership and mentoring, and heart centered learning. She has 17 years’ experience as a yoga and meditation teacher. Mason has authored more than 100 books and articles, and given over 500 national, international, regional and local presentations. Her Ph.D. is from The University of Ohio.




Michele Rivers Murphy, Ed.D. has over eight years of direct educational supervisory experience and several MA certifications at all levels, in both administration and teaching, including special education. Dr. Rivers Murphy has served as a transformational change agent in education for over two decades in some of the highest needs and neighborhood districts.






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