Participants will gain an update on the current status of The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and information on tools and resources available to assist principals. The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), which is providing the Center for Educational Improvement (CEI) seed funding, is partnering with PARCC to prepare principals for the Common Core State Standards assessments.
The mission of PARCC is to develop assessments in math and English that are anchored to what students need to know in order to move on to college or into a career; the assessments stretch from K-12.
This module will enhance participants’ understanding of ways to broaden their skills so that they can drill down to the district and school levels.
Key Points
The Model Content Frameworks developed by PARCC for math and language provide key touchstones for schools as they re-design curricula.
The PARCC assessments are designed to indicate learning gaps so that those gaps can be addressed before students graduate from high school.
The PARCC vision advances accountability at all levels.
The assessments are designed to make effective use of technology.
1 hour
Doug Sovde
Doug Sovde, director of PARCC Instructional Supports and Educator Engagement for Achieve, an independent, bipartisan, non-profit education reform organization. A member of the writing team of the Common Core State Standards, Sovde had primary responsibility for creating Appendix A to the mathematics standards, also known as the Model Course Pathways in Mathematics. Prior to joining Achieve, he spent 12 years in the Bellevue (WA) Public Schools as a teacher, an assistant principal, and a principal.